Sunday, March 15, 2009


Very often you hear people say "Aiyah, so hard, cannot do lah!"

But look at this video with KOREAN subtitle and then tell me ...

Can or not ?

At EU, we have seen many students with average SPM results get VERY GOOD results in LCCI Accounting exam. Last year, 4 students got WORLD PRIZES!

How ah? What they do? What's the 'magic', the 'secret'??

1. DETERMINATION (be more kiasu, not kiasi) So what - you fail now. Try again, but don't do the same way. Do it differently. Study differently. If last time you just copy, copy from the whiteboard or just memorise only - now, try to think about why you are doing it, understand the steps, discuss with your classmates & ask your teacher when not sure. Get up every morning, ready to go to school - not think aiyoh still got school lah, wish it's Sat.... CHANGE OF ATTITUDE WILL HAVE CHANGE OF OUTCOME (RESULTS)

2. STAY ALERT , BE ALERT How many times were you in class, but thinking about your GF, BF, what to eat today, what to sms.... Tune your 'FM radio' channel back to EU station !! Hungry ah? Cannot concentrate? -- EAT before your go start class early in the morning. It can also help you KEEP FIT (how? At night your body metabolism slows down as you sleep. If you eat a healthy (not oily) breakfast, then you kickstart the body burning calories at a high rate and this will maintain your high metabolic rate. Eat a moderate lunch and less food at night. Sure slim one... ask Ms J.)

.....Next, make sure you get some EXERCISE. So, don't complain if you have to go climb the stairs to Room 11, then down to the Library.. good exercise mah! Try STRETCHING your hands up. Imagine you plucking money from a 'money' tree.. Stretch left hand - RM10, right hand RM10 .... he he he... Stretch your fingers. Take a deep breath. Get MORE OXYGEN. LAUGH out loud to push out stale air from your lungs (laughing yoga,.. really got).

.....Get ENOUGH SLEEP -- use laptop with battery only. After no battery, switch off lah.. Too much internet will waste time & spoil eyes. Not enough SLEEP ? - will become not beautiful You will look haggard (old) & boring. That's why they call it 8 hours of 'beauty sleep'. Also brain cannot work. After see wrong questions & press calculator wrongly ...


3. BE FOCUSED That means - don't think you can really learn anything if you COPY when teacher is explaining, and when teacher lets you copy down the answer, you SMS your friend instead.

4. STUDY AT EU :)) but study seriously... DON'T PLAY, PLAY!

Happy EXTRA CLASS everyone....

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